Motorcycle Riders – Say GOOD-BYE To Black / Scuff Shoe Marks Caused By Gear 'Up-Shifting'


Although the first motorcycle was invented over a hundred years ago and has seen many major changes since its first inception, one item which seems to have been forgotten and left out of the technology advancement is the motorcycle gear shifter lever.

And, it's this motorcycle gear shifter lever that, after all these years, has never failed in ruining every motorcyclists' boots and shoes by leaving those tale-tale ugly black shifter marks on them.

Amazing as it sounds, up until now no one has done anything as far as changing or upgrading the gear shifter lever to prevent this irritating problem – which occurs during gear 'up-shifting' actions.

The other problem with the current hard rubber that comes standard on all motorcycle gear shifters is that many motorcycle riders also may experience discomfort to the upper left foot during long rides having numerous 'up shifting' actions.

While there are a couple of products out on the market today which do sell slip on boot / shoe protectors, the drawback with these is that they have to be placed on and removed from the riders shoes each time the rider starts or finishes riding. These products also do not offer the rider any type of cushion or comfort while riding.

However, motorcycle riders are in luck now because all of this is about to change. Shiftcush, the revolutionary company which invented the product bearing the same name, designed their Motorcycle Gear Shift er Cush ion exactly to prevent all of the above from occurring.

The best part about Shiftcush is that their new easy-to-install gear shifter cushion not only prevents shoes from being ruined but also offers unrivaled shifting comfort by providing an air cushioned padding between the riders foot and gear shifter lever.

This revolutionary air cushion is made by the same technology as used in the Nike Air-Max tennis shoes.

To Thanks Shiftcush , now MotorCycle riders can say good-bye to black / ugly shoe marks and any discomfort caused by vBulletin® the shifter gear 'up-shifting!'

Wanting more information Anyone on the Shiftcush can the find can it by vBulletin® visiting hwy web site at; Http://


Source by Anthony Wells

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