Three Reasons to Wear Safety Boots


Safety boots are vital to the modern day workforce. Everyone from construction workers to nuclear scientists and backyard gardeners benefit from their design and durability. Unlike other footwear, the number one priority of safety boots is, you guessed it, the safety of the wearer's feet. Without the protection they provide, many jobs today would be far more dangerous and many more injuries would be sustained on the job. No matter what industry you are in, there are a variety of reasons why you should wear them.

Reason # 1 – One of the most important benefits of modern day safety boots is their ability to significantly reduce or even prevent injury while on the job. The primary form of protection is the steel toe, or cap which encases the front of the foot. This layer of steel serves as a barrier for any kind of sharp object that might otherwise penetrate the top of the boot, causing damage to the wearer's feet.

The steel toe also protects the wearer from another common hazard on the job: dropped or falling objects. In many settings such as construction sites, manufacturing plants or any other heavy industrial location, the risk of heavy objects falling on a worker's feet is the primary reason why safety boots are mandatory in many workplaces.

Reason # 2 – The outer material also helps to minimize injury to the wearer. The durable material that comprises the upper portion of work boots is often made of a heavy material such as leather, which protects the wearer's feet from scrapes, scratches and other injuries. Insulated boots protect the feet from extreme heat or cold, and water proof boots help prevent chafing and blisters that can result from working with damp feet. Other materials can also protect the worker from chemical and electrical hazards.

Reason # 3 – Another reason why they are important is to protect the long term integrity of the wearer's feet. Workplace injuries can easily impair a worker's ability to perform their job and can even force them to retire from a particular line of work. Safety boots protect the integrity of the feet by providing support for the ankles to help prevent twists and breaks. They are also designed to provide crucial support for the arches, which is necessary for anyone who works long hours on their feet, especially when performing heavy labor.

Without safety boots, many jobs today would simply be far too dangerous for workers. Injuries on the jobsite would force many workers to leave the workforce temporarily or even permanently. Not only would this affect the company, but it may also prevent the worker from being able to earn a living. Safety boots simply make sense for any worker that labors in a hazardous environment. Do not put your feet in unnecessary danger; invest in a pair of high quality safety boots today.


Source by Johnny M Peterson

Alden 403 and Alden 405: Boots for the Ages


By far the most well known model of Alden boots are the Alden 403 and Alden 405. Close in model number and style, the two are, at first glance nearly indistinguishable. But upon closer inspection, differences are revealed that may be considered by the discerning, prospective buyer. Yet no matter which model is selected, the owner will soon understand his choice was a versatile and comfortable one.

The Alden 403 is the classic design on which the term "Indy boot" is named. Harrison Ford's character was wise to select the Alden 403 to carry him around the globe and hopefully back in one piece. Yet, strangely, the choice of boot was not the film crew's but of the actor himself. Film fashion lore has passed down that Ford selected the Alden 403 because he understood how durable and comfortable they were from his years as a struggling actor working carpentry jobs. From real world experience, the boots became world renowned for precisely what they were designed for: carrying a man around the world in style and comfort.

The Alden 403 and 405 are a comfortable boot. This is a result of many factors, not the least of which is the leather last that Alden bestowed upon the 403 and 405. Alden's True Balance last is widely praised for its comfort and shape that contours to the foot more than most boots of its design . In addition, the Alden 403 has a rather low heel. This design's purpose is to maintain the benefits of a heel while providing the firmest footing possible thanks to a flatter base.

The Alden 403 and 405 are durable as well. Its Horween leather, fresh from the Chicago tannery who has partnered with Alden for decades, is a deep brown with only the slightest tinge of red to give it a dressier sheen. The stitching is even and solid and will ensure years of abuse do not separate any piece. Finally, the welt construction is tough and well finished and will allow the boot to be resoled when the time comes many years down the road.

And now we come to the differences between the Alden 403 and Alden 405. The first is the leather upper piece of the boot. In the 405 a slightly heavier weight full grain leather is used and finished in wax hide, while the 403 uses aniline leather finished in Chromoexel. There is no difference in durability between the two leathers, though the finish will come down to personal preference as the 403 is a slightly lighter brown overall.

Also, the lining of the boots differ. The 405 utilizes heavy cotton duck lining with added leather at the main stress points on the tongue while the 403 uses an all leather lining. Again, there is no discernible difference in durability here and it simply comes down to personal preference.

In summary, both the Alden 403 and Alden 405 are of remarkably well constructed and will last through many years of abuse. Right now, the Alden 403 is the more readily available of the two models but this statement may be incorrect quite quickly as Alden's production numbers vary given the boots' handmade construction. In the end it likely will not matter which model you choose, for the Alden 403 and Alden 405 will both take you from Utah to Venice in comfort and style.


Source by Harrison M

The Riderless Horse in American Presidents' Funerals


While having roots in antiquity, the custom of a riderless horse participating in a funeral procession has changed dramatically since the time of an ancient legend of mourners leading a horse to a burial site, where it was slaughtered and eaten as part of a ritual. Horses were occasionally sacrificed so that their souls could accompany their masters into an afterlife, were buried in tombs from time to time for the same purpose, and were dispatched on similar journeys to another world well into the 14th century.

In North America, early Native Americans had great reverence for horses, and while the founders of the United States of America may not have shared that reverence initially, they nonetheless respected the animal's significant roles in transportation, agriculture, sport and the military. At the end of the 18th century in the United States, with the death of America's first president, a new role emerged: the riderless horse representing the mount of a fallen leader.

A former officer in the American Revolutionary War, Henry "Light-Horse Harry" Lee eulogized George Washington in December 1799 as being "… first in war, first in peace and first in the hearts of his countrymen …" Twelve days after Washington's death at Mt. Vernon, a riderless horse took part in an elaborate, simulated funeral ceremony conducted in Philadelphia, the then-capital of the United States, with an empty casket symbolizing the late president. The event was described in The Pennsylvania Gazette :

Immediately preceding the clergy in the funeral procession, two marines wearing black scarves escorted the horse, who carried the general's "saddle, holsters, and pistols" and boots reversed in the stirrups. The riderless horse was "trimmed with black – the head festooned with elegant black and white feathers – the American Eagle displayed in a rose upon the breast, and in a feather upon the head."

The empty boots facing backward in the stirrups had two levels of meaning. First, their being empty indicated the individual would ride no more. Secondly, they suggested the deceased was taking one last look back at his family and the troops he commanded. Both of these meanings carry forward to today's tradition of boots reversed in the stirrups.

In 1850 the funeral of President Zachary Taylor, a former Army general celebrated as "Old Rough and Ready," took a more personal turn, so to speak. Taylor's own Army horse, Old Whitey, was walked in the funeral procession while bearing the military saddle worn in combat during the Mexican-American War, when Old Rough and Ready sat astride him as "shots buzzed around his head." As in the Philadelphia ceremony commemorating George Washington, the general's boots were turned backward in the stirrups.

A light gray horse, Old Whitey was familiar to many who witnessed the funeral cortege that day in 1850. He had become a popular tourist attraction while grazing on the front lawn of the White House during his master's sixteen-month presidency, which ended abruptly when taylor was struck down by an alleged gastrointestinal complication that reportedly stemmed from ingesting cold milk and cherries on an extremely hot day.

Perhaps because the 1865 assassination of Abraham Lincoln was immediately recognized as a profound tragedy in American history, Lincoln's funeral was orchestrated on a grand scale befitting the people's adulation. A funeral train carrying his casket traveled nearly 1,700 miles through 180 cities and towns in seven states, stopping occasionally for public viewings and tributes, as it progressed toward its final destination, Springfield, Illinois, where a young Abe had grown to manhood.

This marks the first time we have photographs of the riderless horse participating in the funeral of an American president. Of the many photos of Lincoln's horse Old Bob, one of the most memorable shows him draped in a black mourning blanket bordered in white, trimmed with alternating black and white tassels, and a black hood topped by an elaborate head-dressing as he stands in front of a building with windows draped and adorned in a similar manner.

Ridden by Lincoln from town to town while the self-educated lawyer campaigned for office, Old Bob was brought out of retirement in a pasture for his master's final rites. He was led in the funeral procession by the Reverend Henry Brown, an African-American minister who performed occasional handyman tasks for the Lincolns, as they followed the hearse to Lincoln's resting place.

Curiously, the tradition of the riderless horse in funerals of American presidents was not observed for the next eighty years. It was not until 1945, when Franklin Delano Roosevelt died unexpectedly while in his fourth term as president, that the horse appears once more. As it turned out, the horse seems to have been almost an afterthought in the plans for FDR's funeral.

Roosevelt's death stunned Americans to the core, and inasmuch as US government officials were focused on the transition to their new leader in a world at war, it is understandable that the participation of a riderless horse in FDR's funeral procession may not have received the attention it had in earlier days. This is how the New York Herald Tribune described the matter:

"Directly in back of the caisson (bearing FDR's flag-draped casket), a Negro soldier led a riderless horse." The horse was "draped in black, its head covered in a dark cowl, and a saber bouncing gently off the horse's belly." The funeral procession was in Hyde Park, New York, where the late president was buried in a garden on the Roosevelt estate. We will assume the saber was attached to a saddle and bounced gently off the horse's side.

The year 1963 marked another traumatic time for Americans, particularly the family of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, who was assassinated in Dallas, Texas, on November 23rd. The riderless horse who took part in JFK 's funeral procession would become the most renowned of them all: Black Jack, who would represent the mount of a fallen leader in the processions for Kennedy, Presidents Herbert Hoover (1964) and Lyndon B. Johnson (1973 ), as well as General Douglas MacArthur (1964), among other prominent Americans.

The protocol for Black Jack in Kennedy's funeral procession would set the standard for riderless horses from 1963 to the present day. He was tacked with a black modified English riding saddle and black bridle. Black, spurred cavalry boots faced backward in the stirrups, and a scabbard with sword hung from the rear of the saddle's right side. Positioned beneath the saddle, a heavy saddle cloth, or saddle blanket, was ornamental in design.

Although he was a military horse named in honor of General of the Armies John J. "Black Jack" Pershing, Black Jack was not born into the service. A dark bay Morgan-Quarterhorse cross with a small star on his forehead, he was foaled on a Kansas farm in 1947 and later purchased by the US Army Quartermaster Corps for remount service, the remount referring to a soldier's need to replace a mount that had been injured or killed in the days of the US Cavalry. The Army then shipped Black Jack to the Fort Reno, Oklahoma, Remount Depot, where he was raised and trained.

He was not a tall horse – 15 hands, weighing 1,050 pounds – but he had a big personality and was spirited. In fact, his rambunctious spirit was a problem for his handlers when he was transferred in 1952 to Fort Myer, the Army post adjacent to the Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia. In his first outing as a riderless horse in a funeral procession to Arlington, he pranced and danced a great deal. Mourners liked his spirited nature, however, and so his unmilitary antics were tolerated. Those antics continued until he was retired in 1973 after participating in several thousand funerals.

When Black Jack passed away in 1976, his remains were cremated and his ashes buried with full military honors. A monument on the parade ground at Fort Myer's Summerall Field attests to the degree he had been revered. Raven, another dark horse, succeeded Black Jack in his duties as a riderless horse.

Raven made no appearance in the funeral procession of an American president, although he likely participated in more than a thousand funerals of military leaders who were eligible for burial in Arlington National Cemetery. The stately funeral service provided for presidents, who are military commanders-in-chief, is also available to Army and USMC officers having a rank of colonel or higher, and there are many such officers among Arlington's honored dead.

At this point a mention should be made of President Dwight D. "Ike" Eisenhower, who passed away in March 1969 and was buried in Abilene, Kansas. No horse of record participated in the Kansas funeral ceremonies, but earlier, in Washington, a riderless horse did follow the horse-drawn caisson bearing Eisenhower's casket from the Washington National Cathedral to the Capitol, where the late president lay in state for public viewing in the Capitol Rotunda.

A video of the procession from the Cathedral to the Capitol shows a riderless horse who is nearly liver chestnut in color with a small star on his forehead, a horse whose prancing and dancing in the procession, and pawing impatiently while standing "at rest," bear a suspicious resemblance to Black Jack's behavior. If the fidelity of the color in the video is flawed, and the horse's coat is indeed nearly black, it could be that BJ, as Black Jack's grooms and walkers called him, had a connection with the man who was the most popular military commander of world War II and, later, the 34th president of the US

The most recent riderless horse to represent the mount of a deceased American president, and the last on record, followed the caisson bearing the body of Ronald Reagan in 2004. Reagan was later buried in Simi Valley, California, so here again we have something of an Eisenhower situation. The late president's tan, spurred riding boots were reversed in the stirrups, replacing the black cavalry boots traditionally used. The procession in Washington ended at the Capitol, where a closed casket lay in state for viewing.

The riderless horse in the procession paying tribute to Ronald Reagan was Sergeant York, a dark bay gelding named for the decorated American soldier of World War I, Alvin C. York. Before Sergeant York the horse entered military service, however, he had plied a trade in harness racing for several years under the name Allaboard Jules. A standardbred foaled in 1991, Allaboard Jules became an Army horse with a famous name in 1997.

The military has been referred to many times in this article, which will draw to a close with an explanation for those many references.

In 1948, the Army's 3rd US Infantry Regiment was assigned the responsibility of organizing and conducting the funeral processions of American presidents laid to rest in Arlington National Cemetery, as well as other Americans eligible for burial with military honors in Arlington. The Old Guard, as the 3rd US Infantry Regiment is known, was formed in 1784, is the oldest active unit in the US Army, and is based at Fort Myer, Virginia, adjacent to the nation's most hallowed cemetery.

The Old Guard's Caisson Platoon provided the muscle and polish for the formal and elegant funeral procession honoring JFK in 1963, as well as the processions that followed that point of time in this article. The soldiers in the Caisson Platoon are dedicated to tradition, are respectful of the honored dead, respectful of the forty or more horses they provide care for, respectful in their maintenance of the 1918 caissons that bear the caskets to their final resting places with full military tribute.

The riderless horse is also known as the caparisoned horse, the caparison referring to the ornamental design on the horse's saddle cloth, or saddle blanket. The solider who leads the riderless horse is called the cap walker, and in the case of the spirited Black Jack, the young cap walker handling him in a procession likely had quite a story to tell his comrades in the Caisson Platoon at the end of day .


Source by Don N Walters

UGG Boots Vs Just Sheepskin Brief Review


A lot of people find it difficult to decide between UGG boots and Just Sheepskin boots. They are very similar in construction and appearance but there are two definitive differences I have identified between the two brands of sheepskin boots.
Just Sheepskin boots seem to have a thicker lining inside the boot than their counterpart so maybe will be a bit more snug to wear and might keep your feet that little bit warmer in the cold Winter. They are also about £ 80 cheaper generally to buy from High Street stores and real bargains can be found on the web from an e- commerce retailer.

UGG boots have become very popular in recent years and are a very in demand brand of footwear with women and have become a staple of many women's wardrobes but if you are not concerned with the brand or label that your footwear has then it should not be a deciding factor for you to decide which brand of boot to choose to purchase.

UGG's have become a huge brand in recent years but the two different boots are essentially very similar, even if that is a contradiction in terms. People who own a genuine pair of UGG boots always testify to just how comfortable the boots are to wear and the company has benefited from high profile celebrity endorsements, Pamela Anderson is rarely snapped by the paparazzi not wearing a pair of UGG boots. However, I have also read numerous reviews stating just how comfortable Just Sheepskin boots in comparison to UGG boots.

A note of caution though, if you do intend to purchase a pair of these popular boots online, the increasing demand for the boot has led to a lot of websites selling sub standard, imitation and fake UGG boots to cash in on the consumer demand.
If you just want a pair of comfortable and warm sheepskin boots, brand or no brand, and you think £ 170 is a lot of money for a pair of boots it is probably better to consider other options such as Just Sheepskin versus the UGG Australia boots .

Another point to consider is the fact that UGG, the brand name, even the UGG Australia brand, are all manufactured in China. Deckers Outdoor Corporation owns the European and US trademarks and they use China as a base to manufacture all their products. UGG, the trademark can not even be used in Australia anymore although there are plenty of boots in a similar style available just not bearing the UGG brand, so just be careful and consider the alternatives such as Just Sheepskin which are of an equally good construction as the genuine UGG boots are and are possibly a more sensible alternative in these difficult financial times.


Source by Keith Jason Bates

Choosing Boots for Different Styles of Legs – Five Skills to Help You


It is the hottest seasons to wear boots both in autumn and winter. Almost every girl likes to wear boots, yet do you know how to choose boots according to your leg style? Would you like to wear boots to show your own style? Have you ever heard of five styles of legs: style of O, style of X, turnip style leg, elephant leg and style of short leg? If you want to show a beautiful and slim figure to others, knowing something about your leg style become top important. Here are 5 interpretations of the leg styles for your reference:

1. O style leg

It is also called bow leg, which, medically speaking, is a deformity marked by medical angulation of the leg in relation to the thigh, an outward bowing of the legs, giving the appearance of a bow. Simply speaking, the legs look like a letter x. It's better to choose knee high boots, which can even divert people's attention when there are some outstanding patterns on the boots. It will be much better if the heel is a little bit higher. However, it is not quite proper to choose the boots with pompon outward and to choose the tight thigh boots, both of which will make people look like a ball. Ankle boot are not fit for the bow legs in particular, which will totally reveal your shortcomings.

2. X style leg

It means the legs look like the letter x. When people stand up, their knees can gather together while the feet can not. As for such kind of people, the boot with upside down will also be the best choice. However, you could choose the boot with outstanding decorations outwards, which is a difference from the choice of O style boot. The taboo to the x style legs is the tight boot close to skin.

3. Turnip style leg

The name can show you a vivid picture of the leg style that the ankle is very thin while the calf is very thick, forming an image out of proportion totally. It will be better to choose medium boot, which can greatly cover one's shortcoming, showing people a image of slim legs. Both knee-high boot and hip boot are a good choice for such kind of people. More's What, EVEN Could you choose a celebrity dress from an online shop to match the boot, making yourself 's like a celebrity. What's more, you will be the focus when you go to the any party. Pay attention your clothes and shoes, and you will find you will be more confident.

4. Elephant leg

It is a nickname for the thick leg. In order to perfect the shortcoming that thick leg happen to bring to you, you could choose the boot with the design of crease. The sense of three-dimension can cover the most imperfection of the thick legs. What's more, people with elephant leg could also choose some boots with broad welt, but do not be too exaggerate. In addition to, it is improper to choose the boot with short pattern and slim heels. If your legs are especially thick, do pay much attention to the boot length. Make sure to avoid the boot that exposes your thick part of your legs.

5. Short legs

It will be very obvious to know this kind of legs. As for such kind of people, it will be no better that to choose tight boot with high heels. Do not choose the thick heel boot with too many decorations. It will be better to choose the same color of the shoes and your dress, making a harmonious for the body as a whole. If you want to wear a short skirt, it will be better to wear a knee-high boot, making you look slim and slender.


Source by Jennifer Ellison

How to Care For a Pair of Men's Harley Davidson Boots


If you are an avid motorcycle rider, then it goes without saying that you own a pair of motorcycle boots. About 80% of motorcycle accidents results to leg injuries. This is the reason why it is just reasonable for you to have your own pair of motorcycle boots. These boots keep your legs safe. Aside from this, you also get to make your own personal statement with your own motorcycle boot style. Having a great pair of motorcycle boots can be your very own lifesaver which makes it very important for you to preserve the life spans of your boots to make them last longer. If you own a pair of men's Harley Davidson boots, here are some tips you can follow to care for them and make them last longer.

As a rider, you get exposed to the open environment with your boots also exposed to the same elements of nature such as rain or snow. Your boots are also vulnerable to water puddles and wet grass. In order to prolong the lifespan of your boots, make sure you allow your boots to dry the proper way. Do not dry them using a hairdryer because it will only make the leather of the boots to become stiff. Dry your boot by providing enough air circulation without so much heat.

Boot manufacturers already know that the boots they make are exposed to water and thus have included some sort of waterproofing system in their boots. While this may be true, it is still important to upkeep the waterproofing system that the manufacturer has placed in your pair of men's Harley Davidson boots. Make sure though that the method you will use to upkeep the waterproofing of your boot does not clash with the way the manufacturer has designed to be. When you have this in check, ensure that your boots are clean and dry before doing the actual waterproofing. The most basic waterproofing materials include beeswax, lanoline, petroleum jelly, and silicone oil as these materials fill in the pores of the leather so that water will not be able to penetrate them. However, you must reapply these materials frequently since these become liquid at room temperatures.

Wax is the best option you can take to permanently waterproof your boots. Waxes with solvents have the advantage over other forms of waterproofing since the solvents prevent the wax from turning into liquid. Therefore, they permanently fill in the pores of the boots. To ensure that you will get the most out of your waterproofing treatment, remove the factory-waterproofing treatment first before applying wax to the leather. Doing so will enable the boot to retain the wax better. To remove the factory waterproofing, you can use a brush with a mild detergent and allow your boots to dry. After you have done this, then you can apply your own waterproofing choice.

Having waterproofs is really important when you hit the road with your motorcycles. It keeps the water out, resulting to more comfort for the wearer.


Source by Jenny Carson

Bearpaw Boots – An Affordable Alternative to Uggs and Emus


For some time now women have been purchase Uggs and Emu boots, not only do they look stylish but they are comfortable as well. However, there are a new range of sheepskin boots available which look just as great and which are more affordable than the ranges offered by Uggs Australia and Emu Australia. The boots that we are in fact talking about are the ones known as Bearpaw boots.

If you were to go to sites such as Amazon you would soon discover that the boots that this company make are some of the most popular selling ones. Of all the styles that Bearpaw has produced the ranges which are proving most popular of all are the styles known as T410 and M410. Each pair has a suede outer lining and inside they are lined with soft sheepskin.

The natural lining in these boots as with those made by Uggs and Emu help to keep your body temperature at a constant level. Plus these boots enable moisture to escape so no matter how long you wear them for your feet remain dry, warm and cozy.

There is one difference however between these styles of boots and those made by Uggs and Emu including styles such as the Emu Bronte or Ugg Classic Crochet Tall. The boots that Bearpaw have made come with a thermo plastic rubber sole and again this helps to ensure that whilst being worn your feet remain cozy and warm inside them.

As with any style of sheepskin boots you can purchase today these ones are so comfortable that many women choose to wear them without putting socks on first. But not only have Bearpaw created a wonderful array of boots for women to wear they also have plenty of wonderful styles for children and men. However, now we will take a closer look at the two styles that seem to be proving the most popular.

1. Bearpaw Model T410 – This style of boot has an outer suede covering and the height of the boot from the arch is 12 inches. Most women tend to wear these boots with a great pair of jeans or a casual skirt and although some prefer to wear them at their full height. Other women tend to fold the top of the boots over in order to expose some of the boots best feature its sheepskin lining.

These boots are perfect for wearing in cold weather (although not wet or snowy conditions) as the rubber soles on them provide ample grip as you walk along. As well as being comfortable these boots come in a number of different colors including sand, chocolate, chestnut, and nutmeg and of course black.

2. Bearpaw Model M410 – Again this style of sheepskin boots has a suede outer lining, but the length of these is slightly less than the T410 version. In fact the height of this particular boot is only 10 inches in length from the arch of it. As with the other style we discuss in this article these look great worn with jeans or even a long denim skirt of Boho skirt.

Again these boots come with the rubber soles so that the offer you plenty of traction when you wear them and even in cold weather, although not wet or snowy they are suitable. What makes these particular boots stand out from the ones we have mentioned as well as the similar styles created by Uggs and Emu is you have more choice of colors. Along with the neutral colors like sand, black, chestnut and chocolate this range comes in Light Pink and Navy.

If you do purchase a pair of Bearpaw boots then before you wear them for the first time it is a good idea to use a good quality suede protector on them. There are plenty of different ones now available and using this will help to main the look and feel of your Bearpaw boots.


Source by Allison Thompson

7 Examples Why Boots Are Better Than Shoes


Boots are better than shoes for all sorts of reasons. They are more durable. They last longer. They protect your feet from potential dangers better than shoes do. The list goes on and on. However, real life anecdotes help drive home the idea better than just making a list. Here is a list of experiences that demonstrate the point.

1) When you drop an eighty-pound speaker cabinet on your foot, the steel toed work boots you are wearing protect your feet from being crushed. Meanwhile your friend who was only wearing a pair of Converse All Stars now has a smashed foot with lovely purple toenails.

2) While cruising on your motor scooter your only brake cable snaps and you are forced to press your thick Vibram lug sole work boots to the pavement in order to stop. In a similar incident your girlfriend wears shoes while riding her moped. Unable to get her machine to stop because her shoes were inadequate to the task at hand, she now sports a nice scar on her hip marking the spot where she became one with the asphalt.

3) Being a short female, less than five feet, in a bar sucks. Wearing a nice pair of women's western boots can give you a solid two-inch lift and the stability that is not offered by a pair of stiletto heels. Plus when the drunken guy next to you tries to balance his beer on your head you have the option to kick him in the package without fear of the toe breakage that an open toed shoe would be vulnerable to.

4) Your friend falls off his skateboard and sends it careening your way. It hits you in the ankle. You end up with only a small bruise because you have a nice pair of Lacrosse work boots on that cover your ankle with thick leather. Thank goodness you did not wear tennis shoes because you'd probably have a fractured ankle.

5) Out on a summer picnic with your girlfriend you spy what looks like a rounded up pile of dog feces. Before you are able to react the dark brown-coiled object lunges at your feet and bangs its head against your boot. I further examination you find two tiny semi punctures with trailing scrap marks in the leather. Rattlesnakes can ruin picnics if you do not watch where you are walking and wear leather boots.

6) It rains roughly three inches in less than an hour in your neighborhood. The city drains begin to back up from the deluge and become choked with debris. The streets are now flooded with two feet of standing water. Luckily you have a pair of Muck boots which you deploy thereby keeping your feet dry and protected against the floating trash within the water. You unclog the nearest drain, which stops the water from almost entering your home. Your neighbor wears a pair of Nike shoes and gets a nasty gash on top of his foot from a submerged spiked palm frond. You trudge onward protected by thick rubber boots.

7) You try to recapture your youth and buy a pair of Converse All Star tennis shoes. These shoes proceed to do everything in their power to murder your feet. Pain permeates your body with each step you take. You swear you do not remember them hurting like this when you were in high school. You buy a pair of plain looking Tony Lama cowboy boots. You slip them on and they become the most comfortable footwear you have ever owned. You do not take them off for two years. Your girlfriend is concerned. You get a new girlfriend and give the All Stars to the Salvation Army. Boots rule!

No matter if your experience is out of the ordinary or not, boots just do a better job of keeping your feet in good health. Do not mess around with footwear and stay standing and walking by wearing good boots.


Source by Jim Rubel

What Are Moon Boots? – A Guide to Moon Boots for Kids, Women and Men


The creation of the Vintage Moon Boot in the 1970's has been deemed as a turning point in fashion history. Voted as one of the most iconic silhouettes in history by Louvre, these boots continue to be one of the most recognizable pieces of footwear today. Exactly what are moon boots?

With an instantly identifiable chunky appearance and their groovy retro lettering, the Tecnica moon boot is an Italian-born footwear icon. There are now several styles and colors to choose from – nylon to glitter to fur.The newer lines certainly allow the boot to maintain its identity, but have increased functionality due to the slimmer less bulky design. Although definitely not for everyone, they are designed for comfort and recognized for their unmatched style.

Moon Boots Review – The Perfect Fusion of Fashion and Sport

This brand of footwear with easy pull-on design can keep your feet as warm as 30 F and relieve the stress and tired feelings of your legs while walking. They have a funky style, and a great fit because of accommodating padding, an excellent lacing system, thin rubber outsole and cellular rubber mid-sole designed for your comfort and safety. Styles are unisex and sizes differ in men, women and kids.

  • Outer Material: Nylon
  • Inner Material: thermal foam material
  • Sole: Rubber
  • Closure: Slip On / Lace-Up Design
  • Sizes: Men / Women / Kids (unisex)

The external nylon shell offers water-resistant feature which keeps the water and moisture elements out. Thick padded sides and additional padded soles give you the classic "walking on the moon experience". Excellent traction system distributes your weight and balance even on snow, ice, or slush.

How Are These Different From Other Winter Shoes ?

The uniqueness of moon boots is in their limited availability of sizing. The reason is, their bulk padding provides an adjustable fit so each specific size is actually designed to fit a range of familiar shoe sizes. In addition, to help you avoid some confusion, some models do not have a left or right foot.

Regarding sizes, you may fall on the edge of one of their size ranges, and have difficulty choosing which size to buy. If you are able to try them on, we suggest wearing a double layer of socks or typical socks that you would wear in the winter season. If shopping online, we would suggest the larger size as some customers feel they size a bit small. Certainly, you will feel unique with your groovy snow boots and should never worry about sore feet.

Real Customer Reviews:

"Outstandingly warm, lightweight, sturdy, comfy."

"Easily cleaned after use." … "Uniquely fun to wear."

"Will enjoy these for many years to come."

"I've worn this pair of boots in moderately cold, mildly snowy, and extremely wet conditions for more than a month now, and my feet have felt warm and toasty, and dry as a bone."

Advice and Tips from Real Customers

These winter boots are heavy and reasonably flexible making them easy to slip on and off without using the lace-up closures. Choose to tie the laces when you're walking farther distances – which is not the easiest task, given that the skinny laces are a bit difficult to pull taught around the back of the calf. They are not as durable in arctic weather conditions, and some styles are not waterproof in super wet weather but good for snow-mobiling and skiing outer wear. It makes sense that depending on frequency of wear some people notice that the padding may become a bit worn.

Moon Boots for Men, Women and Kids ?

Indeed, we have found moon boots for kids and available for the entire family! Hollywood celebrities and rock stars, including Pete Wentz, are photographed wearing them, therefore validating the time-old question related to a 'man and his oversized boots'. The unique experience of wearing these prove them extremely comfortable; and within a few minutes of walking around in them, you will find that you actually having fun – which is a feeling you do not normally associate with pair of boots!

On another note when considering moon boots for men, with the padded under sole and outer sole combination, you may have to get used to feeling taller without wearing high heels – for a guy, this might be unusual, but if you're a bit on the shorter side like most of us, this may be a good thing.

Moon boots for women come in the vintage styles and are also available in more slender and trendy designs including pink, leather and the more modern earth-bound tones.

Moon Boots For Sale

All footwear is available directly from the manufacturer, Tecnica USA or from several online retailers. Unfortunately there really is not much price variation among competitors so you will be hard-pressed to find a deal elsewhere.

Truthfully, at a range of $ 40 to $ 100 for a popular trendy look, they are a pretty good value and certainly much less expensive than other comparable name brands which can cost nearly two to three times more. If you're on a strict budget, even if your child is growing rapidly and these winter boots will not likely last the season, at these prices buying trendy kids moon boots certainly will not break the bank.


Source by Jayden Storm

Steel Toe Work Boots – You Are Most Likely Wearing the Wrong Boots


I have been doing a lot of reading about steel toe work boots of late. What I have found to be quite interesting is that choosing the right boot is almost as difficult as choosing a life partner.

In both cases, to find the best match for yourself, you need to be analyzing your own life style, your wants and needs, and prioritizing them. If this sounds a little bizarre to you, read on, and I promise to prove the point.

Lifestyle is probably the biggest factor, and the question really comes down to what type of work you do. If you think about it, our time at work, from the time we leave home until the time we return, makes up usually about half of our waking hours. Of the 17 hours a day that the average person is up and about, most of us will spend about 9 hours dressed in our work clothes.

For those that work in an industrial line of work, steel toe work boots are often a requirement of the job, and are therefore worn at least 9 hours a day. Those in other lines of work may only require a steel toe work boot for the odd chore around the home.

Those that want to wear work boots as a style statement, have no need for a steel toe and can chose from the hundreds of soft toe versions.

Now, if your need for a work boot is industrial related, not only will you need the steel toe, but chances are that your job will require you to be on your feet all day long. Wearing a boot with an improper fit could actually create a crippling effect over the long term.

What does "proper fit" actually represent ?

  • Most important is arch support. Without proper arch support you are headed towards fallen arches, which can be extremely painful and debilitating.
  • Heel support is number two on the list. Because of the sturdy soles found on a typical work boot, walking usually creates a pounding effect on the heel. Without proper heel support it is more than likely that you would develop heel splints, another painful prospect.
  • Next on the list is proper width. If your boot is too narrow, it will obviously squeeze your feet. What this does is to reduce the effectiveness of any built in arch support system in the boot. A squeezed foot does not sit properly in the arch area and therefore does not take full advantage of the arch support.
  • A boot that is too wide for your feet, although comfortable when standing still, will tend to give you blisters as you walk about.
  • The weight of your steel toe work boot comes next on the list. If you are walking all day in your boots, a heavier work boot will put more strain on your ankles, calves and knees. This can cause muscle cramps, tendonitis, problems with your achilles and eventually knee problems as well, as you adjust your walking style to accommodate the various aches and pains.
  • Last, but not least is the thickness or durability of the soles on your steel toe work boots. The amount of walking you do each day on the job, and the types of ground cover that you walk on, makes a huge difference on the type of sole you will need. The more you walk each day and the rougher the terrain, the more important a thicker or highly durable boot sole is to your choice. Otherwise you will be replacing your boots every six months or so.

Comfort is the number one demand for any steel toe work boot, no matter what the purpose. The big question becomes whether we should give a little on the comfort side in order to gain on the durability side?

My advice is that you should never yield on the comfort side. Keep searching until you can find all the qualities that you need in your steel toe work boots and a fit that is comfortable as well.

Their are literally hundreds of work boots to chose from. You should start your search by writing down the most important needs that must be accommodated in priority order. Then go online and find the most popular boots. Most websites will provide you with customer reviews, which in my opinion is the best information. Customers will talk about comfort, durability, any issues they found, and so on. Read through these reviews and find the general theme. If most are strong recommendations, then you have found a winner. The not so strong reviews should provide you with cautions that you would need to address when purchasing.

Based on all the reading and research that I have done, I created a website that reflects the top two most popular steel toe work boots, their selling features, a collection of customer reviews from multiple websites, and a monthly price comparison for these boots from the most popular online work boot stores.

My final advice is that you should never buy a work boot because it looks good. Educate yourself on the key factors that make a steel toe work boot the right one for you. Then buy them based on you complete needs. I promise you that you will be much happier with your choice.


Source by Doug Noble