Leather Work Boots – How to Break Them in Quickly and Easily


When you buy leather work boots, they are often a slightly uncomfortable fit. Leather does not move very well, and leather work boots are no different, requiring that they be well broken in if you hope to move in them comfortably. While any method of breaking in boots is an acceptable method, here are two quick ways you can break in your leather work boots in a short amount of time.

The Water Trick

The water trick is a well known way for breaking in baseball gloves, and essentially works the same with leather work boots as well.

  • Put the boots in water in a bathtub until they have fully soaked.
  • Once they appear to be completely wet, put plastic bags over your feet (so it does not stick) and put the boots on, wearing them until they dry.
  • The boots should shrink towards the contours of your feet and feel much more comfortable by the time they have dried off completely.

The Pain Point Trick

Many people do not like to try the water trick because they worry it will damage the leather. So another method uses rubbing alcohol.

  • Wear the boots straight until your feet hurt and you can pinpoint the pain locations.
  • Keep your feet in the boot and identify where your foot hurts – dab those areas with cotton swabs that have been soaked in alcohol so that they expand.
  • Continue to walk in them until the alcohol dries.

The alcohol method should result in less discomfort as you wear your boots.

Finding the Right Pair

Any other method of breaking in leather will work for shoes just as it works for baseball gloves and other leather objects. But remember, a good pair of leather work boots can be comfortable from the beginning, so do not be afraid to try out more than one pair in order to ensure you are satisfied.


Source by Kelly Morgan

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